AWS Certification FAQ
Frequently asked questions about getting AWS Certified and AWS Certification
Top questions
Open allAre there any mandatory training or exam requirements to take an AWS Certification exam?
Training is recommended as part of your certification preparation, but it is not mandatory for the completion of the certification. Go to AWS Skill Builder to find a learning plan that’s right for you.
Which AWS Certification is right for me?
How do I register to take an AWS Certification exam?
To register for an exam, sign in to and click Certification in the top navigation. Next, click the AWS Certification Account button, followed by Schedule New Exam. Find the exam you wish to take and click the Schedule at Pearson VUE button. You will then be redirected to the test delivery provider’s scheduling page, where you will complete your exam registration.
What is the retake policy?
If you fail an exam, you must wait 14 calendar days before you are eligible to retake the exam. There is no limit on exam attempts. However, you must pay the full registration fee for each exam attempt. Once you have passed an exam, you will not be able to retake the same exam for two years. If the exam has been updated with a new exam guide and exam series code, you will be eligible to take the new exam version.
Note that beta exam test takers can take the beta version only once, after which they will need to wait to retake the exam when the official certification exam becomes generally available.
Will I see my preliminary exam results, pass/fail, on the screen upon completing my test?
Most AWS Certification exams do not display your pass/fail result at the end of the test. Your detailed exam results will be available within five business days of completing your exam in your AWS Certification Account, under Exam History. If you pass your exam, you may receive your Credly digital badge email notification before your exam results are posted to your AWS Certification Account. Credly is our approved digital badge provider.
Only the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam will display your pass/fail result at the end of the test.
When will I get my exam results?
Exam results, including results for beta exams, will be available within five business days after you complete your exam. You will receive an email message when your exam results are available in your AWS Certification Account, under Exam History.
Is there an option to reschedule my exam if I cannot make my scheduled appointment?
Yes. You can cancel or reschedule your exam up to 24 hours before your scheduled appointment without additional fees. To reschedule or cancel your exam, go to your AWS Certification Account and click the Manage Pearson VUE exams button. Select the scheduled exam you wish to manage from the Upcoming Appointments menu. Once you reach the 24-hour window before your scheduled appointment, you will not be able to cancel or reschedule your exam. If you miss your scheduled exam appointment, you will forfeit the exam fee and are not eligible for a refund (see medical exception below). You will not be able to register again for the exam until 24 hours after your missed exam time. Missing the exam does not result in a “fail” status.
To receive support for a cancellation or a missed exam, due to a medical emergency contact your test vendor: Pearson VUE.
For personal illness (with medical documentation) or for unforeseen emergency situations (documentation required), the test delivery vendors will waive the fee and allow a reschedule without fees. In emergency situations, you will be required to provide official documentation of the emergency event. This policy is noted and digitally agreed to in the test registration agreement and in the exam appointment confirmation email. Pearson VUE staff will respond to your ticket within a period of 5 business days (weekends and holidays are not included).
Please note that you may only reschedule two times after scheduling your original appointment. If you wish to reschedule a third time, you must cancel and schedule a new appointment. The reschedule limit will apply to the new appointment. Exam appointments cannot be cancelled less than 24 hours prior to your appointment.
How can I verify an individual's certification status?
To verify an AWS Certification, ask the earner for an AWS Certification digital badge link. Via Credly’s Acclaim platform, we provide digital badges to everyone who earns an AWS Certification to support recognition and verification. Each AWS Certification digital badge has an option to verify it, which checks and displays the issue date as well as the issuer (AWS Training and Certification). Links to AWS Certification digital badges are unique for each AWS Certified individual. Digital badges may also be linked from social media profiles or on personal websites.
You can also verify a digital certificate using the validation number, on the bottom right of an AWS Certification certificate. Earners download certificates from their AWS Certification Account. Once you have the validation number, you can verify the certification.
Are there benefits offered to AWS Certified individuals?
In addition to validating your technical skills, AWS Certification gives you tangible benefits to help you showcase your achievement and further advance your AWS expertise. View the AWS Certification Benefits page for a complete list of benefits.
What are AWS Certification digital badges?
AWS Certification provides digital badges as a benefit of earning an AWS Certification to showcase certification status. We provide digital badges via Credly’s Acclaim platform to offer flexible options for recognition and verification. You can take advantage of one-click badge sharing on social media newsfeeds, tools for embedding verifiable badges on websites or email signatures, and an optional public profile with all earned AWS Certification badges.
Which AWS Certification exams are available to take from your home or office with online proctoring?
Online proctoring is available for all AWS Certification exams when you schedule with Pearson VUE. Learn more about options for taking AWS Certification exams.
About AWS Certification
Open allWhy should I consider AWS Certified?
AWS Certification helps learners build credibility and confidence by validating their cloud expertise with an industry-recognized credential and organizations identify skilled professionals to lead cloud initiatives using AWS.
Which AWS Certification is right for me?
Learn about each AWS Certification exam here. To learn more about the benefits of AWS Certification, visit our benefits page.
How do I become AWS Certified?
You must earn a passing score via a proctored exam to earn an AWS Certification. Upon receiving a passing score, you will receive your certification credentials.
How long will my certification be valid?
You will be required to update your certification (or recertify) every three years. View the AWS Certification Recertification page for more details.
What is the difference between an exam and a certification?
An exam is a test that validates an individual's technical knowledge of AWS products and services. A certification is a credential that you earn upon successfully passing an exam. This credential is a digital badge and title that you may use on your business cards and other professional collateral to designate yourself as AWS Certified.
What is a beta exam?
AWS Certification uses beta exams to validate performance of exam questions before the questions are used on standard versions of an exam. An exam can go through the beta process before the exam is launched for the first time. AWS Certification can also complete a beta process when an exam content outline changes. Candidates who pass the beta exam will be among the first to hold the new certification. You can find more information about beta exams on the Before Testing policy page in the section on “Beta exams.”
How do I request a testing accomodation?
AWS Certification and their vendors are committed to providing all individuals with an opportunity to validate technical skills and cloud expertise. We will provide reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities to help ensure equitable access to AWS Certification. To learn how to request an accommodation, please visit the Before Testing page section about Requesting Accommodations.
I am a US veteran. Is my exam eligible for GI Bill reimbursement?
Yes. Any qualifying US veteran covered under a GI Bill with an education provision can submit a reimbursement request to Veterans Affairs for AWS Certification exams taken after December 10, 2015. To qualify, you must purchase your exam via your AWS Certification Account and submit the VA application for reimbursement.
The VA will only pay for the exam fee. Costs connected with preparing for a certification (e.g., training courses or practice exams) are not reimbursable. Learn more.
I am a US veteran. Is my AWS Training class fee also eligible for GI Bill reimbursement?
No. Only AWS Certification exam fees are eligible. Learn more.
I am a minor. Am I eligible to take an AWS Certification exam?
Candidates must be 13 years or older to take an AWS Certification exam. For candidates ages 13-17, please see the answer to the question below.
Is there a special process for testing candidates under the age of 18?
Candidates ages 13-17 are permitted to take AWS Certification exams with the consent of their parent or legal guardian. Candidates must be at least 13 years old at the time of scheduling an exam. This special process is outlined below:
1. Create an AWS Certification Account: The parent or legal guardian must create an AWS Certification Account for their teenage candidate, and the account must be in their teenage candidate’s name. After creating the account, the parent or legal guardian must select the “My Profile” tab, followed by the “Identification” subtab that appears below it. On the next page, they must note the login ID (AWSXXXXXXXX) for their teenage candidate; this will be needed in step 2 below.
2. Open a customer support case: The parent or legal guardian must next open a customer support case with AWS Training and Certification here. In order to avoid delays in processing requests for testing their teenager(s), the parent or legal guardian must enter the following information into the case form’s fields
- First Name: Enter the parent/legal guardian’s first name
- Last Name: Enter the parent/legal guardian’s last name
- Company Name: Enter the teenage candidate’s first and last name
- Email Address: Enter the parent/legal guardian’s email address
- Country/Region: Select your applicable country/region
- Telephone: Enter the parent/legal guardian’s telephone number
- Inquiry Type: Select “Certification”
- Additional Details: Select “Scheduling/Accommodations”
- How can we help you? Enter the phrase “Teenage Candidate” immediately followed by the login ID from the teenage candidate’s AWS Certification Account
Please note. If a teen (13-17) files the initial ticket, they will need to have their parent or legal guardian submit a new ticket completed properly to initiate the process.
3. Complete a consent form: AWS Customer Service will respond to your customer service case with further instructions. Reply to the customer support email and attach the completed customer support form (available below). The parental/legal guardian consent form must be completed by both the teenage candidate and the parent/legal guardian who will accompany the teenage candidate to their scheduled appointment.
4. After consent form approval, assist in scheduling the exam: Approximately 5-7 business days after receipt of the consent form, AWS Customer Support will either notify the parent/legal guardian if any further information is needed, or if the consent form is approved. Upon receiving that copy of the approved form, the parent/legal guardian can then assist their teenage candidate in scheduling an AWS Certification exam. They may do so by logging into their AWS Certification Account and selecting “Pearson VUE” as the test delivery provider for the appropriate exam.
5. Follow proper identification (ID) steps on the day of the exam appointment:
- The teenage candidate must present one form of photo ID. School IDs are acceptable.
- The parent/legal guardian who is identified on the consent form must accompany the teen candidate to the test center and provide a valid, government-issued ID that matches the name listed on the consent form, as well as a copy of the consent form.
- The parent/legal guardian must sign the log sheet next to the candidate’s signature in order to verify the candidate’s identity.
- The parent/legal guardian is not permitted to wait in the test center after the admission process is completed.
Because certification exam policies often change, the scheduling process above must be repeated, and a new consent form completed and submitted, for each AWS Certification exam taken by a teenage candidate.
Am I required to sign any agreement before taking an AWS Certification exam?
To preserve the security and value of the certification program, you must accept the terms and conditions of the AWS Certification Program Agreement when registering for your exam appointment and before beginning the certification exam.
The AWS Certification Program Agreement applies to all exams. It sets forth the AWS Certification Program participation requirements, responsibilities, testing rules, and consequences for noncompliance. Penalties for noncompliance include canceling the results of any AWS Certification exam, revoking any AWS Certification, requiring you to retake an exam, terminating your rights under the AWS Certification Program Agreement, and prohibiting you from participating in the AWS Certification Program.
All AWS Certification exam content, including, without limitation, any questions, answers, and/or diagrams are the proprietary and confidential property of Amazon Web Services (AWS). They may not be copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way without the express written authorization of AWS. Agreeing to the AWS Certification Program Agreement is required to be officially certified and to maintain valid certification.
What's the best way to certify a group of people?
You can purchase AWS Certification exam vouchers, which eliminates the need for candidates to have to pay when scheduling their exam. They simply enter a voucher code when scheduling exams at Pearson VUE. Learn more here.
How can I purchase exam vouchers?
Vouchers are available for purchase anytime online. Learn more here.
Prepare for your exam
Open allAre there any mandatory training or exam requirements to take an AWS Certification exam?
Training is recommended as part of your certification preparation, but it is not mandatory for the completion of the certification. Go to AWS Skill Builder to find a learning plan that’s right for you.
What's the best way for me to prepare for my exam?
The best preparation for certification exams is practical experience. We recommend six months to two years of hands-on experience using AWS. We also offer training and materials to help you prepare.
How can I know which services and features are covered in an exam?
AWS Certification does not publish a list of all services and/or features that are covered in a certification exam. However, the exam guide for each exam does list the current topic areas and objectives covered in the exam. Exam guides can be found here.
Schedule your exam
Open allHow do I register for an AWS Certification exam?
To register for an exam, sign in to and click Certification in the top navigation. Next, click the AWS Certification Account button, followed by Schedule New Exam. Find the exam you wish to take and click the Schedule at Pearson VUE button. You will then be redirected to the test delivery provider’s scheduling page, where you will complete your exam registration.
Where can I take an AWS Certification exam?
AWS exams are available from Pearson VUE's network of testing centers
You can search for Pearson VUE test centers at
How much does an AWS Certification exam cost?
The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam is 100 USD. Associate-level exams are 150 USD. Professional-level and Specialty exams are 300 USD. Please note that taxes (such as Value Added Tax) may apply. We also offer local-currency prices in Australian dollar, euro, Korean won, and Japanese yen. Exam prices will be updated annually in April to reflect foreign exchange rates for Australian dollar, euro, Korean won, and Japanese yen. Refer to the published exam prices for the latest information.
What is the retake policy?
If you fail an exam, you must wait 14 calendar days before you are eligible to retake the exam. There is no limit on exam attempts. However, you must pay the full registration fee for each exam attempt. Once you have passed an exam, you will not be able to retake the same exam for two years. If the exam has been updated with a new exam guide and exam series code, you will be eligible to take the new exam version.
Note that beta exam test takers can take the beta version only once, after which they will need to wait to retake the exam when the official certification exam becomes generally available.
Is there an option to reschedule my exam if I cannot make my scheduled appointment?
Yes. You can cancel or reschedule your exam up to 24 hours before your scheduled appointment without additional fees. To reschedule or cancel your exam, go to your AWS Certification Account and click the Manage Pearson VUE exams button. Select the scheduled exam you wish to manage from the Upcoming Appointments menu. Once you reach the 24-hour window before your scheduled appointment, you will not be able to cancel or reschedule your exam. If you miss your scheduled exam appointment, you will forfeit the exam fee and are not eligible for a refund (see medical exception below). You will not be able to register again for the exam until 24 hours after your missed exam time. Missing the exam does not result in a “fail” status.
To receive support for a cancellation or a missed exam, due to a medical emergency contact your test vendor: Pearson VUE.
For personal illness (with medical documentation) or for unforeseen emergency situations (documentation required), the test delivery vendors will waive the fee and allow a reschedule without fees. In emergency situations, you will be required to provide official documentation of the emergency event. This policy is noted and digitally agreed to in the test registration agreement and in the exam appointment confirmation email. Pearson VUE staff will respond to your ticket within a period of 5 business days (weekends and holidays are not included).
Please note that you may only reschedule two times after scheduling your original appointment. If you wish to reschedule a third time, you must cancel and schedule a new appointment. The reschedule limit will apply to the new appointment. Exam appointments cannot be cancelled less than 24 hours prior to your appointment.
How do I arrange a special accommodation for my exam?
Special accommodations will be arranged with the test delivery provider, prior to registering for your exam. Pearson VUE does not share accommodation request details, so the appropriate documentation will need to be provided to the test delivery provider.
To get started, sign in to and click Certification in the top navigation. Next, click the AWS Certification Account button, followed by Request Exam Accommodation. This page will provide you with instructions on how to submit your accommodation requests to the test delivery provider
Where can I find a test center near me?
You can search for Pearson VUE test centers at
I have a certification exam voucher. Which vendor can I use it with?
Exam vouchers (partial discount or full exam value) are valid for a single use, and you can use that voucher with Pearson VUE, unless specified otherwise at the time your voucher was received.
Why does AWS Certification update foreign exchange rates?
AWS Certification updates certain local pricing to reflect current foreign exchange rates. Exam prices will be updated at least annually in May to reflect foreign exchange rates for Australian dollar, euro, Korean won, and Japanese yen, and Chinese yuan. Foreign exchange rates may be updated more frequently, with a minimum of 30 days notice.
Which countries does the foreign exchange rate update impact?
Countries who use the following currencies: Australian dollar, euro, Korean won, Japanese yen, and Chinese yuan.
If I pay for my exam with a credit card or cash prior to the currency exchange update and then reschedule my exam after the currency exchange rate is updated, do I need to pay the difference in exam price?
No. If you are rescheduling your existing exam appointment, you will not be required to pay the difference in exam price. Please note that AWS Certification exams can only be rescheduled twice.
If I cancel my exam and request a refund, will the refund utilize the updated currency exchange rate?
You will be refunded the exam fee you paid at the time of purchase. You must cancel your exam more than 24 hours before your exam appointment to receive a refund.
Will AWS Certification’s foreign exchange rate updates impact voucher purchases?
No. Foreign exchange rates for voucher purchases are updated by Xvoucher, an AWS authorized reseller and distributor of AWS Certification exam vouchers. For more information about voucher pricing, please visit the Xvoucher website.
Is there any impact to my voucher if the exam price is higher or lower due to the currency exchange rate update?
If you have a voucher that is intended to cover 100% of your exam, it will be valid for the full exam price. If you have a voucher that is intended to cover 50% of your exam, it will be valid for 50% off of the exam price at the time of exam purchase.
Exam scoring and content
Open allHow many questions do I need to answer correctly to achieve a passing score?
AWS Certification passing scores are set by using statistical analysis and are subject to change. AWS does not publish exam passing scores because exam questions and passing scores are updated to reflect changes in test forms as the content is updated.
How often are exams updated?
AWS Certification regularly rotates questions in and out that adhere to the exam guide. Major revisions to an exam, including changes to an exam guide, will be made public. The exam guide for each exam lists the current topic areas covered by the exam. Exam guides can be found here.
When AWS releases a new product or service, how soon will it appear on the exam?
For the AWS Certified AI Practitioner, AWS Certified Machine Learning Engineer - Associate, and AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty exams, a new product, service, or feature must be generally available for 3 months. For all other exams, a new product, service, or feature must be generally available for 6 months before it appears on a certification exam. This guideline applies only to certification exams, not training. Training will cover new services and features more quickly.
How can I know which services and features are covered in an exam?
AWS Certification does not publish a list of all services and/or features that are covered in a certification exam. However, the exam guide for each exam does list the current topic areas and objectives covered in the exam. Exam guides can be found here.
An existing service or feature has changed. How will that be reflected in my exam?
The AWS Certification team will replace exam questions determined to be impacted by the change.
How should I answer a question that I think has been affected by a change in a service or feature?
Choose the best available answer from the options in the question.
When will I get my exam results?
Exam results, including results for beta exams, will be available within 5 business days after you complete your exam. You will receive an email message when your exam results are available in your AWS Certification Account, under Exam History.
Will I see my preliminary exam results, pass/fail, on the screen upon completing my test?
Most AWS Certification exams do not display your pass/fail result at the end of the test. Your detailed exam results will be available within five business days of completing your exam in your AWS Certification Account, under Exam History. If you pass your exam, you may receive your Credly digital badge email notification before your exam results are posted to your AWS Certification Account. Credly is our approved digital badge provider.
Only the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam will display your pass/fail result at the end of the test.
Benefits and certification validation
Open allAre there benefits offered to AWS Certified individuals?
In addition to validating your technical skills, AWS Certification gives you tangible benefits to help you showcase your achievement and further advance your AWS expertise. View the AWS Certification Benefits page for a complete list of benefits.
Where can I access my benefits?
Gain access to exclusive AWS Certified benefits via Once signed in, go to your AWS Certification Account where you’ll have access to all your benefits. Benefits will be available within five business days after passing your exam.
How can I verify an individual's certification status?
To verify an AWS Certification, ask the earner for an AWS Certification digital badge link. Via Credly’s Acclaim platform, we provide digital badges to everyone who earns an AWS Certification to support recognition and verification. Each AWS Certification digital badge has an option to verify it, which checks and displays the issue date as well as the issuer (AWS Training and Certification). Links to AWS Certification digital badges are unique for each AWS Certified individual. Digital badges may also be linked from social media profiles or on personal websites.
You can also verify a digital certificate using the validation number, on the bottom right of an AWS Certification certificate. Earners download certificates from their AWS Certification Account. Once you have the validation number, you can verify the certification.
Can I get a list of AWS Certified individuals?
No, AWS does not provide a list of AWS Certified individuals. Many AWS Certified individuals opt to share their certification status on public profiles and on resumes. AWS Certification digital badges can be verified via Credly’s Acclaim platform.
What are AWS Certification digital badges?
AWS Certification provides digital badges as a benefit of earning an AWS Certification to showcase certification status. We provide digital badges via Credly’s Acclaim platform to offer flexible options for recognition and verification. You can take advantage of one-click badge sharing on social media newsfeeds, tools for embedding verifiable badges on websites or email signatures, and an optional public profile with all earned AWS Certification badges. Learn more.
Why can’t I find my digital badge on Credly’s Acclaim platform?
If your digital badge(s) do not appear on Credly’s Acclaim platform, you might have more than one AWS Certification Account. Please make sure you are logged into the account which holds your certification(s). If you have more than one AWS Certification Account with the same email address, you will need your accounts merged before you claim your badge(s) on Credly’s Acclaim platform. Please contact us for assistance.
Certification for AWS Partners
Open allWhat certification training programs does AWS Training and Certification offer for AWS Partners?
AWS Partner Training provides cohort style certification training programs and always-on certification preparation options to increase exam confidence. Explore the schedule.
How do I sign up for an AWS Certification exam?
AWS Certification exams are delivered globally by Pearson VUE. Please review exam options for scheduling an exam available with online proctoring or in-person testing centers. Ready to schedule online? Get step-by-step guidance on how to register for an exam as an AWS Partner.
How do I request an exam language accommodation?
There are two language options for taking an AWS Certification exam. 1) Take written exam in 1 of 8 available language, with a proctor who speaks English, Japanese, or Spanish. 2) Take the written exam in English and request an ESL accommodation for an additional 30-minutes to complete the exam. Learn more ›
How do I claim and share my AWS Certification badge?
AWS Certification provides digital badges as a benefit of getting AWS Certified to showcase your certification status. AWS Certification digital badges are provided via Credly’s platform and can be accessed from the Digital Badges tab of your AWS Certification Account.
How do I get a discounted voucher for an exam?
AWS Training and Certification regularly offers discounted vouchers as part of global certification challenge promotions. Sign up for APN Newsletters and select Training and certification in your communication preferences to receive alerts for upcoming programs. You can also get exam vouchers for your team from either Xvoucher, or Pearson VUE, which are both authorized third party websites to purchase exam vouchers.
How can I access my voucher benefit?
Get access to a 50% discount on additional exams when you recertify or upgrade. This voucher is accessible from the Benefits section of your AWS Certification Account, and can be used to recertify or apply it to any future certification exam you wish to pursue.
Why and how can I share my certification with my employer?
AWS Certification not only boosts your career, if also benefits your employer in the AWS Partner Network (APN). Certifications are a key factor in APN Tier promotion and sharing certification consent with your employer is easy.
Where can I learn more about AWS Certification for AWS Partners?
Explore the AWS Partner Certification page to learn more.