AWS Clean Rooms customers


Omnicom Media Group’s Annalect is a leading marketing services provider that helps brands orchestrate better outcomes using data, technology, and analytics.

“Today, it is increasingly challenging for marketers and their partners to collaborate on their collective data assets to deliver personalized customer experiences and measure marketing outcomes. With AWS Clean Rooms, Annalect enables advertisers to collaborate with media partners and advertising companies securely, facilitating planning, activation, and measurement with data access controls to safeguard their data. AWS Clean Rooms supports Annalect’s goal to provide our customers with privacy-enhancing collaboration tools that help drive marketing outcomes more effectively.”

Anna Nicanorova, Chief Technology Officer, Annalect


Ampersand is a leading data-driven TV advertising sales and technology company.

“With fragmentation hitting the television industry at a rapid pace, Ampersand helps our customers take a 'Total TV' approach to marketing. We give our customers a holistic view of their local, national, and addressable investments, as well as an understanding of how to optimize their spend. AWS Clean Rooms helps us give marketers comprehensive insight into the largest piece of their media investment, and we do so with state-of-the-art protections that keep customer privacy at the forefront.”

Justin Rosen, SVP Data & Analytics, Ampersand


AppsFlyer is a leading software-as-a-service mobile-marketing analytics and attribution platform.

"At AppsFlyer, we are committed to providing our customers with cutting-edge solutions that drive business growth while prioritizing privacy and security. By combining the shared power of AWS Clean Rooms and the AppsFlyer Data Collaboration Platform, which includes our award-winning Data Clean Room, we enable turnkey offerings that empower our global customer base to grow their user base and better personalize their interactions with their customers in a privacy-centric and business-friendly environment.”

Edik Mitelman, General Manager, Privacy Cloud, at AppsFlyer


DIRECTV Advertising works in partnership with brands and agencies to deliver addressable, digital, and data-enabled media solutions across screens that enable a more seamless TV experience for everyone.

"At DIRECTV Advertising, we help advertisers reach their audience dynamically across screens. Our business is built on the ability to use data and technology to empower advertisers to identify and reach their most valuable audience, while continuously measuring campaign impact and optimizing toward future campaigns. AWS Clean Room helps us collaborate with our brand and agency partners to facilitate better targeting, activation, and measurement, while maintaining the necessary privacy protection"

Matthew Jamison, Head of Sales Partnerships, DIRECTV Advertising


Fox Corporation is a leading producer and distributor of ad-supported content through its sports, news, and entertainment brands. 

“It can be challenging for our advertising clients to figure out how to best leverage more data sources to optimize their media spend across their combined portfolio of entertainment, sports, and news brands, which reach 200 million monthly viewers. We are excited to use AWS Clean Rooms to enable data collaborations easily and securely in the AWS cloud that will help our advertising clients unlock new insights across every Fox brand and screen while protecting consumer data.”

Lindsay Silver, Data and Commercial Technology Senior Vice President, Fox Corporation

Dish Network

DISH Media is a leading TV provider that offers over-the-top internet protocol TV (IPTV) service.

“At DISH Media, we empower brands and agencies to run their own analyses of prior campaigns to allow for flexibility, visibility, and ease in optimizing future campaigns to reach DISH Media's 31 million consumers. With AWS Clean Rooms, we believe that advertisers will benefit from the ease of use of these services with their analysis, including data access and security controls.” 

Kemal Bokhari, Head of Data, Measurement, and Analytics, DISH Media


TVNZ is New Zealand’s state-owned, commercially funded broadcaster.

"If you want viewers to pay attention to your ads, you must show them personalized offers that resonate with their needs. AWS Clean Rooms enables us to do this by working with our advertisers to deliver personalization while protecting customer data. Our advertising partners can set up AWS Clean Rooms at low cost in just a few minutes, creating an environment for us to collaborate and analyze data securely to drive innovations that excite our audiences. We’re mindful of our requirements in this area, and we’re excited to be offering innovation while working in a future-fit and privacy-centric way."

Rob Hutchinson, General Manager of Digital, Commercial, TVNZ


Comscore is a measurement and analytics company that brings trust and transparency to media.

“As advertisers and marketers adapt to deliver relevant campaigns leveraging their combined datasets while protecting consumer data, Comscore’s Media Metrix suite, powered by Unified Digital Measurement 2.0 and Campaign Ratings services, will continue to support critical measurement and planning needs with services like AWS Clean Rooms. AWS Clean Rooms will enable new methods of collaboration among media owners, brands, or agency customers through customized data access controls managed and set by each data owner without needing to share underlying data.” 

Brian Pugh, Chief Information Officer, Comscore

Amazon Ads

Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) is a secure, privacy-safe clean room application from Amazon Ads that supports thousands of marketers with custom analytics and cross-channel analysis. Builders can use AMC APIs to create their own offerings, while analysts can interact with a user interface available through the Amazon Ads console.

“Providing marketers with greater control over their own signals, while being able to analyze them in conjunction with signals from Amazon Ads, is crucial in today’s marketing landscape. By migrating AMC’s compute infrastructure to AWS Clean Rooms under the hood, marketers can use their own signals in AMC without storing or maintaining data outside of their AWS environment. This simplifies how marketers can manage their signals and enables AMC teams to focus on building new capabilities for brands.”

Paula Despins, Vice President of Ads Measurement, Amazon Ads


Adobe is a global leader in customer experience management (CXM) solutions.

“Adobe’s Real-Time CDP Collaboration product allows customers to discover new audiences, activate campaigns, and measure return on ad spend—all within a secure and privacy-compliant environment. With the integration of AWS Clean Rooms in our CDP tech stack, AWS customers can safely collaborate with Adobe’s Real-Time CDP and  additional companies they work with to achieve their marketing goals without having to share or copy their underlying data.”

Ali Nazer, Senior Director of Product Management at Adobe

Integral Ad Science

Integral Ad Science is a leading global media measurement and optimization platform.

“At IAS we are dedicated to helping advertisers maximize ROI with AI-driven measurement and optimization. AWS Clean Rooms has enabled us to demonstrate that commitment and accurately verify the relationship between media quality and other outcome metrics like brand lift across advertiser campaigns. Its secure environment protects customer data and facilitates greater collaboration and we look forward to deepening our use of AWS Clean Rooms as we continue to provide actionable data to our global brand and advertiser clients."

Jeremy Kanterman, VP of Research & Insights, Integral Ad Science


Upwave is a leading analytics platform and is focused on measuring and optimizing brand lift driven by advertising.

"Upwave is privileged to work with the world's leading advertisers and publishers who demand cutting-edge campaign measurement. We are always looking for data collaboration and integration options, and we are excited to offer AWS Clean Rooms as a way to help our customers achieve privacy enhanced data collaborations for their measurement use cases.” 

Chris Kelly, CEO, Upwave

Stagwell Global

Stagwell Global is the challenger network built to transform marketing. They deliver scaled creative performance for the world's most ambitious brands, connecting culture-moving  reativity with leading-edge technology to harmonize the art and science of marketing. Stagwell Marketing Cloud (SMC) is a marketing-focused, AI-enablement platform built for the modern marketer.

“At Stagwell Marketing Cloud, we understand the importance of leveraging data to drive audience enablement for our advertisers. With AWS Clean Rooms, we can securely collaborate with our publisher partners, analyzing our collective data to unlock powerful insights to curate personalized customer experiences without sharing the sensitive underlying data.”

Elspeth Rollert, CEO, Stagwell Marketing Cloud

StellarAlgo is a leading customer cloud platform for the sports and live audience industry, partnered with more than 110 properties across North America, including league-wide relationships with the NFL, NHL, and NBA.

“Brand Partners and their sports properties have been looking for an easy, reliable way to get more data-driven with their partnerships. We're excited to be using AWS Clean Rooms to enable some innovative new features of our Partnerships Platform that help Brand Partners execute more targeted and personalized activations that drive bottom-funnel conversion and impact. Executing data collaborations with AWS Clean Rooms without having to share or reveal underlying data among the collaborating partners is a major game-changer for the industry.”

Greg Sargent, SVP Partnership Solutions, StellarAlgo

Cadent provides marketers, agencies, publishers, and distributors with a scaled, independent platform for buying and selling Converged TV advertising. 

“In an increasingly data-driven TV ecosystem, advertisers need technology to unlock deeper consumer insights while upholding the highest privacy standards. Working with AWS Clean Rooms enables us to offer our customers the ability to safely and securely onboard strategic audience data, activate across Converged TV, and measure campaign performance within Cadent Aperture Platform.”

Eoin Townsend, Chief Product Officer, Cadent


Kantar is a globally recognized data, insights, and consulting company that helps clients understand people and inspire growth.

“At Kantar, we have a complete and unique understanding of consumers globally. We use these insights to help our clients understand what has happened and how they can shape the future. Working with AWS Clean Rooms lets us put our world-class data assets in front of more marketers to help them build highly personalized and relevant customer experiences, all within the AWS Cloud with its easy-to-use and built-in privacy-enhancing data access controls.” 

Ted Prince, Chief Product Officer, Kantar

Foursquare is a leading independent location technology company.

"Our clients need privacy-enhancing mechanisms to leverage their first-party data in combination with ad exposure data from their media partners and online and offline conversion data from us without any party having to move or copy data to another. AWS Clean Rooms is a game-changing solution that enables in-place analysis of data on AWS for us, our brand clients, and their media partners."

Lea Purcell, VP of Business Development, Foursquare is a leading TV and cross-platform measurement, analytics, and attribution company.

"We are excited to use AWS Clean Rooms and offer our customers the ability to leverage our TV viewership datasets, across 200 US markets, in combination with their own first-party data to power advertising and content measurement and full-funnel attribution. AWS Clean Rooms’ ability to enable in-place analysis from where a client's data resides in AWS, together with its data protection features, give us and our clients a simple yet secure mechanism to engage in data collaborations that unlock deeper insights we previously couldn't."

Tom Keaveney, President,

Affinity Solutions, a leader in consumer purchase insights, uses data from over 140 million cards to provide an unparalleled view of US consumer spending, transforming data into actionable insights that drive market share and revenue growth.

“Protecting consumer privacy remains a top priority in the advertising and marketing industry. We are excited about AWS innovative integration of AWS Entity Resolution and AWS Clean Rooms. This integration will allow Affinity Solutions to easily link its purchase data and increase match rates with partners while protecting privacy, enabling deeper insights to drive acquisition and loyalty for our financial and retail customers.”

Logan Moore, Vice President of Business Development at Affinity Solutions


Amperity is one of the leading customer data platform (CDP) providers that helps companies put customer data to work to improve marketing performance, build long-term loyalty, and increase revenue. 

“Brands are increasingly hampered by a lack of external data to enrich their view of customers and are looking for strategic differentiation through second-party data collaboration. In working with AWS Clean Rooms’ easy-to-configure and privacy-enhancing data access controls within their clean room capability, Amperity can enable customer-centric organizations to securely connect across boundaries to grow the value and reach of their strategic data collaboration.”

Derek Slager, Chief Technology Officer and Cofounder, Amperity

MiQ is a programmatic media partner for marketers and agencies.

“As the media landscape continues to fragment with new channels, players, and platforms, marketers turn to MiQ to future-proof their digital campaigns with innovative first-party data strategies. Solving for these challenges calls for a technology toolset that supports interoperability between marketers, ad technology firms, data providers, and media companies without compromising on consumer privacy. With AWS Clean Rooms, MiQ clients and partners can collaborate securely using a robust set of privacy-enhancing capabilities that will help us deliver rich, data-driven customer experiences and measure campaign effectiveness across touch points as our industry continues to evolve.”

Abhishek Chakraborty, Senior Global Product Manager for Data Clean Rooms, MiQ

mParticle is an Al Customer Data Platform that powers the entire marketing stack with real-time customer data.

“Data clean rooms can help solve the challenge of collaborating with external business partners and analyzing combined datasets while also helping protect sensitive information and reducing the sharing of raw data, but they are often difficult to build and require significant development time and resources. AWS Clean Rooms changes that. As a Customer Data Platform, we're excited to partner with AWS to make it easier, faster, and more secure to get customer data into the clean room, so companies can collaborate and create the most personalized customer experiences.”

Jake Dell'Aquila, Vice President of Partnerships, mParticle

Media.Monks is a digital-first operating brand that connects content, data, and digital media and technology services across one global team.

“As the industry shifts to a first-party data strategy, our customers and partners alike are looking for ways to effectively collaborate and foster deeper partnerships without compromising on privacy. AWS Clean Rooms is enabling frictionless, privacy-enhancing data collaboration to generate new insights and activation use cases for our advertisers natively in the AWS Cloud where the data lives."

Scott Yacko, SVP of Data Science, Media.Monks

Treasure Data was built to radically simplify customer data management and help brands use all their customer data to improve campaign performance, achieve operational efficiency, and drive business value with connected customer experiences.

“Our clients have a fundamental need to better understand their customers’ buying journeys while better protecting their data. AWS Clean Rooms will enable our customers to easily collaborate with partner datasets to gain richer and timely insights into their marketing and advertising investments.”

John Baudino, Vice President of Partnerships and Channels, Treasure Data

Zeta Global is a cloud-based marketing technology company that empowers brands to acquire, grow, and retain customers.

“We view AWS Clean Rooms as a promising, privacy-first technology that enables enterprises to improve consumer intelligence and experiences. This technology is especially relevant in today’s landscape that calls for increased consumer protections and the expectation of more personalized customer experiences. Considering the scale that AWS brings, we are excited to be an early participant in the development and adoption of AWS Clean Rooms.”

Neej Gore, Chief Data Officer, Zeta Global

HUMAN is a cybersecurity company that safeguards enterprises and internet platforms from sophisticated bot attacks, fraud, and account abuse.

“With AWS Clean Rooms, advertisers, publishers, and advertising technologies can securely collaborate on their collective datasets without sharing or revealing their data beyond where it lives in the AWS Cloud. At HUMAN, we look forward to supporting our customers and partners as they leverage AWS Clean Rooms.”

Jay Benach, General Manager of Media Security, HUMAN

Azerion is a global digital entertainment and media platform that aims to improve how brands digitally engage with their audiences.

“Our advertisers want to be able to plan, activate, and measure their campaigns to maximize effectiveness without compromising the security of their customers' data. With AWS Clean Rooms, our advertisers can securely collaborate with us without moving or exposing their data, enabling us to partner more deeply and focus on driving real business outcomes.”

Sebastiaan Moesman, Chief Revenue Officer, Azerion


Mobilewalla’s LendBetter is a leading data partner for digital lenders in Asia, powering better risk-decisioning for the new-to-credit (NTC) applicants.

“Data collaborations are foundational to our partnerships with digital lending companies. We work deeply with our clients on data, from initial stages of value demonstration to the later stages of on-prod upgrades and maintenance. AWS Clean Rooms facilitates these data collaborations by helping us collaborate on mission-critical data with clients in a secure environment, which supports our goal of widening access to credit in emerging economies.”

Soumita Roy Choudhury, VP Sales – APAC, Mobilewalla

Additional AWS Clean Rooms customers