Introducing MediaConnect
Transmit compressed live video between on-premises multicast environments and AWS.

Achieve uninterrupted, high-quality video delivery by adding a quality-of-service layer over standard IP transport.
Secure your live video and control distribution using industry-standard encryption.
Gain resilience at the signal and flow levels, and build workflows without any single failure points.
Save 30% or more compared to a typical satellite primary distribution use case, which has 70 destinations.
Transmit compressed live video between on-premises multicast environments and AWS.
Get real-time critical video quality metrics, with broadcast-standard alerts to identify issues and maintain confidence that video is delivered.
Use AWS Cloud Digital Interface (CDI) workflows to connect production switchers, graphics engines, and other components running in the cloud.
Secure your live video using industry-standard encryption so that only authorized customers can access your content.
Distribute signals globally and to other AWS accounts without the need for a dedicated infrastructure or specialized devices.