AWS B2B Data Interchange pricing

B2B Data Interchange is a fully managed service for automating the generation and transformation of electronic data interchange (EDI) documents. The service simplifies and accelerates your B2B data integrations with a low-code interface for trading partner management and translation of EDI documents to JSON and XML formats. B2B Data Interchange’s generative AI-assisted mapping capability expedites the process of writing and testing bi-directional EDI mappings to automatically transform EDI documents to and from custom data representations. With B2B Data Interchange, there are no resources to manage and no upfront costs. You pay only for your active partnerships and the number of transformation steps.


Partnerships are dedicated resources that establish a relationship between you and your individual trading partners. Partnerships contain details about a specific trading partner, the types of EDI documents you exchange with them, and how those documents should be transformed to and from custom JSON or XML formats.

You pay for the number of monthly active partnerships created and maintained in B2B Data Interchange. If a partnership is created after the first day of a month, then the monthly partnership charge will be adjusted on a daily pro rata basis from the first day it was created to the end of that month. If a partnership is deleted before the end of a month, then the monthly partnership charge will be adjusted on a daily pro rata basis from the beginning of that month to the day it was deleted.

Transformation steps

B2B Data Interchange automatically transforms EDI documents to a default, service-defined JSON or XML format or generates EDI documents from a default, service-defined JSON or XML format. You can optionally map custom data formats to and from the default, service-defined JSON or XML format. These mappings can be written manually or with B2B Data Interchange’s generative AI-assisted mapping capability. You are charged for each individual transformation step, which includes the following:

  • For inbound EDI transformations:
    • Step 1 – Translation: EDI to default, service-defined JSON or XML
    • Step 2 – Mapping (optional): Default, service defined JSON or XML to custom data format
  • For outbound EDI transformations:
    • Step 1 – Mapping (optional): Custom data format to default, service defined JSON or XML
    • Step 2 – Translation: Default, service-defined JSON or XML to EDI

For inbound transformations, all custom formatted data outputs are first transformed into the default, service-defined JSON or XML format. Mapping your EDI from the default, service-defined JSON or XML format into a custom data format is optional may not be required for your use case. For outbound transformations, your custom formatted data inputs are first transformed into the default, service-defined JSON or XML format before they are converted into EDI. You can align your data inputs with the default, service defined JSON or XML format to bypass the outbound mapping step.

You can map your EDI to or from custom data formats by creating or editing the mappings associated with your B2B Data Interchange transformers. You can write these mappings manually or generate them using B2B Data Interchange’s generative AI-assisted mapping capabilities. Please note that you will incur charges from Amazon Bedrock each time you choose to generate a mapping using B2B Data Interchange’s generative AI-assisted mapping capabilities. However, you do not incur additional B2B Data Interchange charges to generate mapping code beyond the standard Amazon Bedrock pricing.

Pricing tables

Pricing examples

Example 1: Custom-formatted transformations without partnerships

Assume you automatically transform 100,000 EDI documents into a custom JSON format using B2B Data Interchange each month. We calculate your monthly B2B Data Interchange cost using pricing in the US East (N. Virginia) Region, as follows:

Transformation steps
At $0.01 per EDI document transformed into the service’s default JSON format, your monthly charge is:
100,000 EDI documents * $0.01 = $1,000

At $0.01 per default JSON format document transformed into custom JSON format, your monthly charge is:
100,000 JSON documents * $0.01 = $1,000

With the charges above, your total monthly bill for B2B Data Interchange would be:
$1,000 + $1,000 = $2,000

Example 2: Custom-formatted transformations with one partnership

Assume you establish a partnership with one trading partner in B2B Data Interchange. You then receive 10,000 EDI documents, which are 200KB or smaller, from this trading partner. These EDI documents are stored in Amazon S3, where they are then automatically transformed into a custom JSON format with B2B Data Interchange. We calculate your monthly B2B Data Interchange cost using pricing in the US East (N. Virginia) Region, as follows:

At $8 per partnership per month, your monthly charge is:
1 partnership * $8 = $8

Transformation steps
At $0.01 per EDI document transformed into the service’s default JSON format, your monthly charge is:
10,000 EDI documents * $0.01 = $100

At $0.01 per default JSON format document transformed into custom JSON format, your monthly charge is:
10,000 JSON documents * $0.01 = $100

Adding the charges above, your total monthly bill for B2B Data Interchange would be:
$8 + $100 + $100 = $208

Example 3: Default-formatted transformations with multiple partnerships

Assume you establish partnerships with 250 trading partners in B2B Data Interchange. You then receive 500 EDI documents that are 200KB or smaller from each trading partner. These EDI documents are stored in Amazon S3, where they are then automatically transformed into the service’s default XML format with B2B Data Interchange. We calculate your monthly B2B Data Interchange cost using pricing in the US East (N. Virginia) Region, as follows:

At $8 per partnership per month, your monthly charge is:
250 partnerships * $8 = $2,000

Transformation steps
At $0.01 per EDI document transformed into the service’s default XML format, your monthly charge is:
(250 partnerships * 500 EDI documents per partnership = 125,000 EDI documents) * $0.01 = $1,250

Adding the charges above, your total monthly bill for B2B Data Interchange would be:
$2,000 + $1,250 = $3,250

Example 4: Default-formatted transformations with large EDI document inputs

Assume you automatically transform 2,000 EDI documents into the default, service-defined XML format using B2B Data Interchange each month. 1,500 of the documents are less than 200KB, while the remaining 500 documents are each 1.1MB in size. We calculate your monthly B2B Data Interchange cost using pricing in the US East (N. Virginia) Region, as follows:

Transformation steps
At $0.01 per EDI document transformed into the service’s default XML format, your monthly charge for the 1,500 documents less than 200KB is:
1,500 EDI documents * $0.01 = $15

At $0.01 for every 200KB input increment for EDI documents larger than 200KB, your monthly charge for transforming 500 EDI documents that are 1.1MB each is:
(1.1MB input / 200KB = 5 whole 200KB input increments) * 500 EDI documents * $0.01 = $25

Adding the charges above, your total monthly bill for B2B Data Interchange would be:
$15 + $25 = $40

Example 5: Custom-formatted transformations with one partnership and AS2 connectivity with AWS Transfer Family

Assume you establish a partnership with one trading partner in B2B Data Interchange. You then receive 1,000 AS2 monthly messages from this trading partner using AWS Transfer Family. These inbound messages contain EDI documents that are 200KB or smaller and stored in Amazon S3, where they are then automatically transformed into a custom JSON format with B2B Data Interchange. We calculate your monthly Transfer Family and B2B Data Interchange costs using pricing in the US East (N. Virginia) Region, as follows:

Transfer Family – AS2 server endpoint
At $0.30 per endpoint hour, your monthly charge for a Transfer Family AS2 server is:
24 hours * 30 days * $0.30 = $216

Transfer Family – AS2 inbound messages
At $0.01 per AS2 message, your monthly charge for receiving messages over AS2 on Transfer Family is:
1,000 messages * $0.01 = $10

Adding the charges above, your total monthly bill for Transfer Family would be:
$216 + $10 = $226

B2B Data Interchange – partnerships
At $8 per partnership per month, your monthly charge is:
1 partnership * $8 = $8

B2B Data Interchange – transformation steps
At $0.01 per EDI document transformed into the service’s default JSON format, your monthly charge is:
1,000 EDI documents * $0.01 = $10

At $0.01 per default JSON format transformed into custom JSON format, your monthly charge is:
1,000 JSON documents * $0.01 = $10

Adding the charges above, your total monthly bill for B2B Data Interchange would be:
$8 + $10 + $10 = $28 

Adding the monthly charges for both Transfer Family and B2B Data Interchange, your total monthly bill would be:
$226 + $28 = $254 

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