AWS HPC Customer Success Stories
Every industry tackles a different set of challenges. AWS HPC solutions help companies from small to large in nearly every industry achieve their HPC objectives with flexible configuration options that simplify operations, save money, and get results to market faster. These workloads span the traditional HPC applications like genomics, life sciences research, financial risk analysis, computer-aided design, and seismic imaging, to the emerging applications like machine learning, deep learning, and autonomous vehicles.
Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) & Electronic Design Automation (EDA)

Healthcare and Life Sciences
Financial Services
Automotive & Autonomous Vehicles
Universities & Academia (Research Computing)

The High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Japan leveraged Amazon Web Services (AWS) to construct a high performance computing (HPC) environment. This HPC environment provides services to analyze data obtained from synchrotron radiation beamlines and cryogenic electron microscopes for universities and private businesses.

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Learn about all the AWS services you can use to build an HPC solution on AWS.