AWS SaaS Training
Advance your SaaS skills and knowledge
Unlock the full value of SaaS with training developed by AWS experts. Select from self-paced learning, guided curriculum, or hands-on instructions with fully-coded working examples. Learn with AWS and build with confidence.
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Featured SaaS training
Popular training that can help cross-functional teams solve common SaaS challenges.
Featured workshops for product and technology teams.This course provides an introductory look at deploying and managing Software- as-a-Service (SaaS) applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS).This course will show you how to implement customer specific access controls in a SaaS application.Learn how to build secure and scalable multi-tenant SaaS solutions on AWS with robust tenant isolation and data segregation.
Featured learning for product and business teams.Discover the core concepts and principles of a SaaS business strategy.This course is a comprehensive introduction to the strategic and operational aspects of pricing and packaging SaaS on AWS.Learn how to develop a cost aware culture, improve cost visibility, and optimize cloud cost across the business to drive growth.
AWS SaaS training library
Search our library of expert curated guidance across a broad range of SaaS topics.
AWS SaaS Training Live on Twitch
Connect with AWS SaaS specialists
Building SaaS on AWS is a show for developers who want to design and operate best-in-class SaaS applications. LIVE on AWS Twitch, this bi-weekly show brings together AWS SaaS specialists and industry leaders to dive deep on a range of topics from designing SaaS architecture to accelerate build and deployment, and operational excellence. Whether you are a novice or an expert, our team of subject matter experts are available to answer your questions.

AWS SaaS Training Live on Twitch

Connect with AWS SaaS specialists
Building SaaS on AWS is a show for developers who want to design and operate best-in-class SaaS applications. LIVE on AWS Twitch, this bi-weekly show brings together AWS SaaS specialists and industry leaders to dive deep on a range of topics from designing SaaS architecture to accelerate build and deployment, and operational excellence. Whether you are a novice or an expert, our team of subject matter experts are available to answer your questions.