With Amazon S3’s wide range of features, you can quickly and centrally manage data at scale, enforce finely-tuned access policies, protect data from errors and threats, store data across numerous storage classes to optimize cost and performance, and audit and report on numerous aspects of your stored datasets (such as access requests, usage, and billing). Watch these videos for an introduction to some of the most used S3 features and visit the developer resources to get started.
Data Durability and Global Resiliency
Amazon S3 is designed to deliver 99.999999999% data durability. S3 automatically creates copies of all uploaded objects and stores them across at least three Availability Zones (AZs). This means your data is protected by a multi-AZ resiliency model and against site-level failures. Watch the video to learn more about what the 11 9's of durability means for your data and global resiliency.
Data Management Features
With S3, manage data with object-level granularity, as well as at the account and bucket levels. Append tags to individual objects, which can then be used to identify objects to replicate across regions, restrict access to, transfer to lower-cost storage classes, among other operations. S3 also supports S3 Batch Operations – the only storage feature that allows you to take action against thousands, millions, or even billions of objects across your S3 resources with a single API request or a few clicks in the S3 Management Console.
S3 Batch Operations
Developer guide: S3 Batch Operations »
Looking for more?
Learn how to use the feature by watching these S3 Batch Operations video tutorials »
Object Tagging and S3 Inventory Reports
Cross-Region Replication and Versioning
Cost-Effective Storage Classes
All S3 customers can store their data across a range of distinct storage classes that are designed to accommodate different access requirements at corresponding costs. You can also use S3 Storage Class Analysis to learn data access patterns and S3 Lifecycle tools to transfer less frequently accessed objects to lower-cost storage classes.
Introduction to S3 Storage Classes
S3 Intelligent-Tiering for Data with Changing or Unknown Access Patterns
S3 Data Lifecycle Management Tools
Access Management and Security
At creation and by default, all S3 resources are private and can only be accessed by the resource owner or account administrator. This security design lets you configure finely-tuned access policies that align to organizational, governance, security, and compliance requirements. You can use S3 Block Public Access to restrict all access requests to your data. S3 also lets you chose among different encryption options. Watch the videos below to learn more.
Access Management and Security Topics
S3 Encryption Options
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Instantly get access to the AWS Free Tier and start experimenting with Amazon S3.