Beginning November 1, 2020, Amazon AWS Serviços Brasil Ltda. (“AWS SBL”) is the service provider and billing entity of AWS services to customers in Brazil. Please review the AWS SBL FAQs for more detail.

AWS SBL is a Brazilian entity established in the city of São Paulo that provides cloud services to customers in Brazil, beginning November 1st, 2020. Please find below additional information on AWS SBL:

        Entity Name: Amazon AWS Serviços Brasil Ltda.

        Registered Address: Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 2.041, Torre E -  18th and 19th Floors, Vila Nova Conceicao, Sao Paulo, 04543-000, Brazil     

        CNPJ: 23.412.247/0001-10

The official document to charge Brazilian customers for cloud services provided by AWS SBL is the Nota Fiscal de Serviços eletrônica (“NFS-e”), which includes all applicable local taxes on the service charges in Brazilian Reais (BRL). AWS SBL can issue an NFS-e to a Bra zilian customer only after receiving a valid Tax Registration Number ("TRN") (i.e., CPF/CNPJ). The relevant taxes applicable to AWS cloud services offered locally are the following: PIS and COFINS (9.25%, combined rate) and ISS (2.9%, charged by São Paulo municipality).

The São Paulo municipality ([email protected]) will email a link to the PDF and XML (a machine-readable format) copies of the NFS-e to the Brazilian customer. In addition, AWS SBL will email the NFS-e PDF to Brazilian customers. Brazilian customers paying by invoice will receive the NFS-e to their billing contact email and Brazilian customers paying by credit card will receive the NFS-e to their root email. Brazilian customers may also download the NFS-e through the Bills page on the AWS console.

If you are a Brazilian customer, please go to the Tax Settings page of your AWS Billing Dashboard and enter the TRN related to the account. Please also confirm/update the Billing Address for your account. Failure to add a valid Brazilian TRN will restrict the ability of AWS SBL to issue the proper NFS-e. Please click here for additional information.

If you are a federal government entity, you may be subject to local withholding taxes. In that case, please send us your annual Withholding Income Tax Statement (“Informe de Rendimentos”) by e-mail to [email protected]. If you have additional questions open a support case, and our Customer Support team will be happy to help.

Apply for tax-exempt status
If you qualify for tax-exempt status for the procurement of domestic services in your market, contact our customer support to provide the tax-exempt documentation. Please note that “tax-exempt status” includes specific special tax treatment applicable for your domestic purchases (e.g., special tax regime) from AWS SBL.

Telecommunications Services and AWS Marketplace
AWS SBL will not provide telecommunications services or AWS Marketplace. These services will continue to be sold and charged by Amazon Web Services, Inc., an Amazon entity located in the U.S. For further information, please click here.