AWS Glue Resources
Serverless data integration with AWS Glue (1:00:09)
Introducing AWS Glue Data Quality for ETL pipelines (2:12)
Analytics in 15: Simplify ETL code tracking, testing, and deployment (14:25)
Simplify and fast-track ETL modernization with AWS Glue (48:30)
No-code/low-code ETL and data integration with AWS (15:27)
Overview videos
Simplify and accelerate data integration and ETL modernization with AWS Glue (1:01:57)
Three ways to integrate data with AWS Glue (3:39)
Achieving your modern data architecture (1:01:46)
Interactive data integration with AWS Glue (35:15)
AWS Tutorials - AWS Glue Data Quality - Automated data quality monitoring (29:14)
How Disney used AWS Glue as a data integration and ETL framework (41:25)
Build scalable Python jobs with AWS Glue for Ray (54:38)
Blog posts

Start building in the console
Access the AWS Management Console to start building with AWS Glue.