Purchase a development kit
Evaluate if AWS IoT ExpressLink is right for you by purchasing a development kit from participating Partners like Espressif, Infineon, and u-blox.
Explore the getting started guide
Follow the getting started guide to learn how to connect your development kit and start securely sending and receiving messages to and from the cloud.
Integrate with your product
Integrate the Partner module with AWS IoT ExpressLink into your design and start taking advantage of integrated AWS services.

AWS Partner Device Catalog
The AWS Partner Device Catalog lists IoT devices that work with AWS IoT. You can select development kits and embedded systems to build new devices, as well as off-the-shelf-devices such as gateways, edge servers, sensors, and cameras for IoT project integration.
Choosing AWS-enabled hardware from our curated catalog can help make the rollout of your IoT projects easier, allowing you to build on the expertise of the AWS Partner Network (APN) with hardware designed to work with AWS IoT services. All devices listed in the AWS Partner Device Catalog are available for purchase to get your evaluation, prototyping, and proof-of-concept started quickly.
Discover a range of Partner-provided modules with AWS IoT ExpressLink in the AWS Partner Device Catalog. Learn more about how Partners qualify for the AWS Device Qualification Program.

Select the module with AWS IoT ExpressLink that suits your needs.

Check out the features in AWS IoT ExpressLink and learn more about its unique capabilities.