Efficiently find and fix problems, improve application health, and deliver better customer experiences
Three foundational observability signals are metrics, logs (semi-structured data), and traces (flows of requests from beginning to end across all dependencies). These signals are the output of monitored environments, like containers, microservices, and applications. The goal is to provide an integrated experience for DevOps and Site Reliability Engineers to isolate critical events and use all the observability signals to isolate issues to containerized applications and microservices running anywhere. Amazon OpenSearch Service combines log and trace data analytics into a single solution.
Observability operations
Amazon OpenSearch Service provides new capabilities to help solve your observability problems.
Application Performance Monitoring
Sometimes Application Performance Monitoring (APM) is the first maturity level of observability. But APM alone is not enough. Is your application actually performing as expected, even if your application monitoring dashboard is all green? Are your customers getting the user experience they need? What’s the usage of your application? Which parts of your application are hitting scale limits? From which geographic region are you seeing the biggest growth? Which trends can you visualize and plan for? If you could gather metrics, you could have confidence that when you deploy new code or change your infrastructure, you can see the impact of these changes. Observability advances APM to answer these additional questions.